Episode 11: Direct Mail, but Make It Digital
Molly Killeen, VividFrontMcKenzie Clark, VividFront
Join Molly Killeen, VividFront's Director of Consumer Marketing Accounts, and McKenzie Clark, Director of Consumer Marketing, as they dive into the world of direct mail retargeting. In this episode, they explore how this innovative tactic, powered by Navistone's technology, can transform your marketing strategy by reaching a hyper-focused audience. Discover why direct mail retargeting is particularly effective for eCommerce brands, offering a unique, tangible touchpoint in an increasingly digital world. They highlight impressive metrics and success stories from VividFront's clients, including higher average order values and positive ROAS. Plus, get insights into how A/B testing with Navistone can help you better understand your consumers. Tune in for a refreshing take on diversifying your media mix and converting website visitors into loyal customers.
Molly Killeen
Hello! Welcome to Mini Moves. My name is Molly Killeen and I am VividFront's Director of Consumer Marketing Accounts. Joining me today is my partner in crime and also my twin. We are both wearing our fall blazers today. McKenzie Clark, she is our Director of Consumer Marketing here at VividFront. Today we're going to be diving into all things direct mail retargeting and the benefits of really utilizing this tactic to reach a granular, hyper focused audience. So to start, McKenzie, can you tell our listeners: what is direct mail retargeting?
McKenzie Clark
Sure. So direct mail retargeting is what it sounds like. The first half is direct mail. It is a print piece sent directly to someone's address. And with traditional direct mail, you're typically utilizing your first party data. So you already have a list of customers and their addresses that you can send postcards to. But with direct mail we're targeting, we utilize a platform called Navistone. So their technology is anonymously matching a digital profile to a mailable address. So we're actually able to send postcards and direct mail people that have browsed our clients' websites, even though we don't have their direct addresses yet.
Molly Killeen
Awesome. And I think that we really love utilizing direct mail retargeting, as you were saying, to maximize conversions of consumers who don't purchase right away on site. So it's a really effective tactic. Can you tell us a little bit more of why you believe it's an effective tactic for our clients?
McKenzie Clark
Yeah, the clients we've seen have the most success is definitely our ecommerce clients. And I think the reason it is so successful is because e comm, everything is digital, right from your very first click and touch point all the way through to checkout and purchase. It's all online. It's all on a mobile device, on your laptop, whatever it might be. With Navistone and Direct mail we're targeting, it allows us to deliver an off digital touch point, which is so unique in the space because like I said, everything is digital. So it's a little bit more unique. It stands out to people.
McKenzie Clark
And with digital advertising, there's so much like banner Blindness now where you don't even process what you're seeing and all of the ads you're seeing and you're scrolling so fast on your feeds that you might not really be taking in the impressions that you're being served. And so direct mail retargeting kind of allows a little bit of a more unique experience where you can actually hold a postcard in your hand.
Molly Killeen
Absolutely. And I think there is really something to be said about receiving a beautifully curated piece of content in your mail after maybe you've gone on a certain website, you're reviewing a certain product, considering purchasing it, and then a few days later shows up this beautiful postcard with amazing, compelling creative. I think it's definitely a refreshing addition to any media mix because me as a consumer, right, I'm surfing Instagram and I'm getting hit with so many different ads. Maybe there's something that stands out, but I don't purchase right away. Again, then if I was sent a postcard really specifically tailored to me with super tailored content and personalized content, I think it really stands out in this crazy industry that we're in.
McKenzie Clark
Right. And we know that on average it takes a consumer seven to eleven touch points before they convert, which sounds like a lot. There's obviously some impulse purchases where I see an ad, I love it. I add to cart, I purchase within five minutes. I've done that multiple times. But there's also so many consumers who need multiple touch points. So Navistone and direct mail really allows you to have that unique touch point to kind of help people down the marketing funnel into being consumers.
Molly Killeen
Yes, absolutely. So you've said that we utilize direct mail retargeting for a lot of our clients, but we've really found our niche utilizing this tactic with ecommerce brands. Can you talk to the listeners a little bit about what kind of metrics that we've seen with our clients that really show improved success with direct mail retargeting?
McKenzie Clark
Yeah. So since Navistone is able, they're matching that digital profile to an address. If they have sent a postcard to that matched address and that user comes back to our website, it's able to identify that. So that's kind of our returning customer rate of the people that are coming back to our website after they've seen a postcard. Analytic postcard designs will typically include a QR code. But regardless of if someone uses the QR code or not, if they go into Google and type in our brand name again, Navistone is able to determine that. So we look at our returning customer rate, which is kind of like your click through rate when you're talking about other digital advertising. And then, of course, with eComm, the two big metrics everyone always wants to talk about is revenue and ROAS.
McKenzie Clark
So revenue is easy for us to see since we have all these conversion metrics, people coming back to the website after getting their postcards, we're able to see revenue and then we're calculating ROAS with how much we're spending with Navistone, which is typically about a dollar per postcard, which is pretty aligned with a cost per click or CPM and other platforms. So it's very efficient in that sense. So we're able to calculate all of those things and we've seen a positive ROAS, like I said, with all of our ecommerce brands that have run Navistone. And then something else unique that we look at is actually average order value.
McKenzie Clark
And I loved why I was so excited to point this out, that all of our clients that have run on Navistone have actually seen, on average, about a 25% higher AOV than the sitewide AOV for all of the revenue. So I think this really kind of goes back into all of those touch points and the whole marketing funnel, because People who are receiving our postcards in the mail, on average, are spending more with the brand, which is so awesome.
Molly Killeen
Yeah, I mean, absolutely. So McKenzie and I, we both work one of our largest clients at VividFront. It's a global, really premium brand. And I would love for you to tell our listeners a Little bit about a specific Instance that we use Navistone for this brand specifically because we've tested it A lot and we've seen a lot of great insights, learned a lot more about their customers. So you want to share the use case.
McKenzie Clark
So we had a client that they have so much sitewide traffic, so we kind of wanted to have a little bit more of a narrowed approach. And we have one landing page we use a lot for our prospecting efforts on paid social and things like that. So we actually created a postcard that was only sent to those people who had been on that page. And I think it's also great to point out you want to identify the customer list or page that they need the most nurturing, right. They need the most touch points to purchase. And that top of funnel landing page is a great place to start. So we sent postcards to only people who had been to that landing page and we catered the postcard copy, sent them back to that page to be kind of all lined with the same messaging.
McKenzie Clark
So it was able to kind of narrow in. They have so much sitewide traffic. So rather than just going broad, were able to have a more of a narrowed approach and help bring those customers back to purchase with that touch point in the postcard versus just going like super generic and super sitewide. Right.
Molly Killeen
And especially with a more luxury based brand, this definitely feels more premium to receive something like that in the mail. So I think that was a great addition to our media mix and I'm excited to try it this coming holiday season. Something that we've also utilized Navistone for that's been really effective is learning more about our consumers, who's purchasing from our certain brands through doing different A/B testing with our Navistone campaigns, really understanding what type of messaging resonates best with the consumers that are receiving our postcards, what kind of promotions do people convert more on? So I think that's been a really interesting thing that we've been able to test and learn more about our consumers for sure. So we've talked a little bit about Navistone, but I wanted to share a little bit more on who Navistone really is.
Molly Killeen
They are headquartered out of Cincinnati, Ohio. McKenzie and I were just actually attending their agency partner Summit back in Cincinnati in the spring and it was super fun. But Navistone is really the product inventor of digitally powered direct mail. Fun fact, I have a T shirt that says I heart digitally powered direct mail. So comfortable. But my fiance makes fun of me for wearing it because it's definitely a marketing nerd alert, but can't speak more highly about Navistone. Their customer service is top tier and their technology is top tier. It's really so unique in this space, which is another plug of why working with a marketing agency is so crucial. And another big benefit is that we have these strategic partners like Navistone.
McKenzie Clark
Molly Killeen
We're able to receive really high end service, new technology. We're the first to receive new features with really robust analytics that we're able to learn more about our consumers. So that's definitely been a major benefit of working with Navistone. So with that all being said, McKenzie, if you could leave our audience with one thought, one call to action, what would it be? And why should our audience care?
McKenzie Clark
Yeah, I'd say especially. We know we've been looking in the lens of eCommerce brands. It is so critical to utilize a full funnel marketing strategy and have all of these channels and platforms set up to deliver all of those multiple Touch points to your consumers to become loyal customers. And I think Navistone fits in perfectly there to kind of diversify your media mix, have those unique off digital touch points and be able to convert people who are on your website into loyal customers 100%.
Molly Killeen
Thank you all for listening. As always, VividFront is here to help you scale your business and answer any of your questions. Follow VividFront on social as well as Navistone. Thanks again for listening.
McKenzie Clark
Thanks everyone.